Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Productos y servicios
Alquiler de pisos.
Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Gestión y administración de la propiedad inmobiliaria
Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Construcción de edificios
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis
The firm is engaged in the general construction of residential buildings. The company was incorporated in June of 1988 and has its registered office primarily located in Alcala de Henares, Spain. As a builder, the firm is primarily responsible for the entire construction of new single-family housing, such as single-family detached houses and town houses or row houses. It is also responsible for the on-site assembly of modular and prefabricated houses. As part of its activity, the firm provides complete home improvement services, new home construction, as well as assembling of infrastructures required for residential purposes. It predominantly operates within the domestic country.